
The Best SIPS Rewards Program is our way of giving a big thank you to our SIPPERS who stay active and engaged across Best SIPS!

Best sips steps to rewards.

Summer Season Rewards:

See all our recent Best SIPS Rewards prizes.

How to earn Best SIPS Rewards points

There are so many opportunities to earn Best SIPS Rewards points. And the more you get involved, the better your chances of being rewarded!

Best SIPS rewards points table.

The best news is that at the end of each season, everyone starts earning from scratch.

It doesn’t matter if you joined Best SIPS last season or last year – everyone has the same chance to earn points towards prizes each season.

Annual prize schedule

Our network Rewards Programs now run seasonally! This means larger prize pools, more time to accrue points and greater opportunities for you to receive prizes.

Your points will roll over from one month to the next until the season concludes.

Summer Rewards: December, January, February
Autumn Rewards: March, April, May
Winter Rewards: June, July, August
Spring Rewards: September, October, November

Tracking your rewards points

All your Rewards activity is tracked and stored in the My Rewards section of your profile.

Here you’ll see all of the recent activity that earned reward points and where you are on the LEADERBOARD.

Stay at the top of the leaderboard and you’ll be earning prizes!

How to know if you’ve earned a prize

Prize winners will be notified by email before the 15th of the following season. Don’t forget to check your spam folder!

Winners’ names will be published on the applicable prize pages.

Other VIP details

There are a few other details relating to how Reward Prizes are allocated and our rules of engagement. These are all included in the REWARDS section of our Terms & Conditions.

Become a Best SIPPER!

If you’re already a member, get involved now and start earning points.

Otherwise, sign up now – we can’t wait to see you on the Best SIPS Leaderboard!

Sign up to sip Best SIPS banner.

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